Celebration FAQ


Who can participate in the Middle Eastern, North African, and South Asian (MENASA) Community Graduation Celebration?

Anyone who has already graduated in Fall 2024 & Winter 2025, and all students who intend to graduate Spring 2025 and Summer 2025.

This event is open to all graduating students regardless of identity, and aims to cultivate a more inclusive and engaged celebration. By participating, you contribute to a campus culture that values diversity, celebrating growth, and a shared commitment to empowering our collective community.

Is this event only for current UC Davis students?

At this time, due to capacity and spacing, we are only able to accommodate graduating students and their guests. 

How much does it cost to participate in MENASA Community Graduation Celebration?

There is no cost to participate/attend MENASA Community Graduation Celebration. 

Do I have to attend UC Davis’s Golden One graduation ceremony to participate?

No, participation in MENASA Community Graduation Celebration is independent of UC Davis’s Golden One formal commencement ceremonies. You are welcome to attend MENASA Community Graduation Celebration even if you are not attending the larger UC Davis Commencement.

How do I apply to participate?

Application is here. All interested participants must apply by Friday, April 18 at 11:59 pm. At this time, due to the complexity of planning, we will not be able to honor any late requests.  

I applied to the MENASA Community Graduation Celebration. Do I also need to RSVP?

Yes, after you apply you will receive an acceptance email and this will include an RSVP form. The RSVP form helps the planning committee plan accordingly and is mandatory to complete in order to participate in MENASA Community Graduation Celebration.

What if I RSVP’ed but am no longer interested/able to attend?

Please contact us and let us know by Wednesday, June 11, if you are no longer able to participate. This will help the planning committee make appropriate changes.

What if my guests or I have accessibility needs?

MENASA Community Graduation Celebration is committed to being an inclusive and accessible event. If you have specific accessibility needs, please indicate them in your application form or contact us (menasa@ucdavis.edu) in advance so accommodations can be arranged.


Volunteer Opportunities

Can I volunteer to support MENASA Community Graduation Celebration? 

Yes! We welcome all community members, students, staff and faculty to help us with preparations for our annual MENASA Community Graduation Celebration. As a token of appreciation, volunteers will receive a swag bag - including a gift card. Shifts are from 11 am to 2 pm, 2 to 6 pm, and 6 to 10 pm. You may sign up for one or more shifts. Lunch and dinner will be provided.

Apply to volunteer here



Will there be food and drinks?

Yes, refreshments will be provided for all attendees.

Can I bring additional guests?

At this time, each graduating student is only able to bring 10 guests. All guests must be RSVP’ed. 

Is graduation regalia required?

No, graduation regalia is not required to participate. We encourage participants to wear attire that is comfortable for them and represents them! This includes cultural attire or anything that represents you. Graduation regalia is optional. 

Where will the MENASA Community Graduation Celebration be held?

Activities and Recreation Center, Ballrooms A & B, UC Davis Campus. 

Directions and Parking: Please use the directions and parking information below to arrive at the ARC Conference Center. You may also enter the ARC Conference Center's address, 760 Orchard Road, Davis, CA 95616 into a GPS or use Google Maps with the address inputted. 

Once you arrive on campus, the closest visitor parking lots to the ARC Conference Center are:

  • Visitor Parking Lot 35
  • Visitor Parking Lot 25
  • Visitor Parking Lot 15
  • Pavilion Parking Structure

Please note that due to other special events, parking may be impacted so arrive early to find parking accordingly. 

Who can I contact with additional questions?

For any additional inquiries, please reach out to Mahum Manan, mmanan@ucdavis.edu or Affaf Waseem, awaseem@ucdavis.edu